Where We Work

VillageWorx initial program is in Zimbabwe.

Once the breadbasket of the region, Zimbabwe now struggles to feed its own people. The challenges facing Zimbabwe include:

  • Economic and political instability with an unemployment rate of 90%
  • An AIDS epidemic that has decimated the country and left thousand of orphans
  • A series of droughts creating shortages of food
  • The lack of basic needs, such as clean water and sanitation, resulting in a cycle of poverty

VillageWorx, through their comprehensive approach, is addressing these challenges to provide a path out of poverty for the people of Zimbabwe.

Mother and child

Bikita District

Located in the southwest province of Masvingo, the District of Bikita is home to 165,000 people. 90% of the people live in rural areas and are subsistence farmers living on less than $4.00 per day. 92% have no electricity, 48% have no latrine and the average trip to get water is 1.2 miles on foot.

We are working with eight villages: Gurudza, Gwerkwe, Machiva, Maipisi, Mangoro, Muziri, Rutsate and Vunga to provide clean water, food security and business development opportunities.

There is hope. There are solutions that work. There is a path out of poverty.

Join us on the journey.

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